Monday, June 6, 2016

Taking back real control

Take back control – what a good idea.

Ukip won’t be please but I’ve been converted!

Starting with the

Nationalisation of...
The banks
The railways
Water, electricity and all the privatised public utilities
Royal mail and the post office
Restrict media ownership to 15% of the market, democratise the BBC.
Bring all schools back into local authority control and abolish charitable status on public schools.
All land except personal dwelling houses
Cancel all PFI type contracts and all privatisations of the NHS
State support for all forms of cooperative start ups and succession takeovers
Of course the list should go on, but you get the drift.
And of course control and governance shared between workers, consumers and the state

Real democracy...
The European Parliament to have powers to initiate legislation and a veto of the decisions of the Council of Ministers and the ECB
The renegotiation of the Treaty of Lisbon to remove all neo liberal and anti social elements
British General election at least every three years
Abolition of the House of Lords
Power and resources returned to local authorities
Immediate introduction of the most representational form of proportional voting
The first ever British constitution based upon the European Convention of Human rights and establishing a republic and equal powers to devolved assemblies and parliaments

Democratic social emancipation...
Removal of anti trade union legislation and the establishment of the constitutional right to strike and to have collective recognition in all workplaces
The absolute right to be employed with at least a fair wage and all workers to have a legally enforceable negotiated contract
A progressive system of taxation which is aimed at redistribution so there is at least only a 1 to 3 ratio between lowest income household and the top

Well you can add to the list but this is taking back control with a real purpose: putting you and me in democratic control of the centres of power so we can invest for needs of people and the planet, not profit.

Oh, it isn’t what UKIP, the bosses and the Leavers mean – I thought so.

I’ll just have to vote remain and continue to join up with workers across Europe who support really taking back power.

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